Screen yourself and your home for mold exposure now at Lake Pointe

Dr. Chad has recently completed his certification with the National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI), the certifying body for professional mold inspection and remediation across the country!

Lake Pointe now offers the following services in mold inspection and testing.

New services include

  • Home mold inspection and indoor air quality assessments

  • Diagnostic testing for humans relative to mold exposure and other toxins

  • Home and health consulting for guidance or next steps

From Dr. Chad

There are no set limits for mold exposure due to the variety of symptoms and personalized immune responses. If you are working on your health and not seeing changes, you should consider mold could be the culprit. My goal is to utilize science and non-toxic solutions to determine and cure the root cause of mold growth in your home. Having this unique approach to helping people with their health and the health of their home is a phenomenal resource within our community.

In providing these new mold testing services, Dr. Chad is looking forward to helping our Lake Pointe community and beyond!

Learn more about Dr. Chad’s story here.

If you suspect mold exposure or allergies, click here to schedule a complimentary discovery call with Dr. Chad to address proper diagnosis and treatment.


7 Day Fall Reset


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