Do I have a parasite?

Pets, swimming, walks, and even our food may expose us to unwelcome guests

We often associate parasites with traveling to an exotic or remote destination, but parasites are commonly picked up from mundane activities in our daily lives. Cuddling pets, swimming in lakes, rivers, or oceans, and walking barefoot outside could all lead to unintentional parasite exposure. Some of our our foods may expose us to parasites, including fish, meat, dairy and produce, and even our sewage and plumbing systems may be at fault.

Why would I want to do a parasite cleanse? 

It is estimated that 60-80% of us have active parasites that are “wreaking havoc” on our bodies. Common symptoms include: abdominal pains, diarrhea or constipation, gas and bloating, skin rashes and sores, insomnia or restless sleep, chronic fatigue, grinding teeth, dark circles under eyes, anal itching, depression/anxiety, and anemia. 

Full Moon Parasite Cleanse  

Parasite activity naturally increases in response to the Full Moon, due to a drop melatonin downregulating the immune system and a spike in serotonin enabling parasite mobility.  This makes a Full Moon the perfect time to provide your body with extra support to maximize detox results and evict unwanted guests!  

Your program starts with a consultation with Dr. Carrie before the January 20th start date.  This preparation time before the February 5th Full Moon will help maximize your results and minimize any “die-off” symptoms.  For 2 days before and after the Full Moon, your supplements and at home recommendations will increase before tapering back down. Throughout your journey, Dr. Carrie will add additional tips and support in a Full Moon Facebook Group. Your program will conclude with a follow up consultation to set up your next steps for healing. 

Call 612-992-8100 or email for more information.


Easy as breathing


Lake Pointe Turns 20!