Multi-Pathway Food and Chemical Sensitivity test

Healthy daily habits are an easy way to achieve optimal health. Foods are either constructive or destructive. Sometimes even ‘healthy’ foods such as broccoli or almonds can be destructive depending on the overall health and function of our gastrointestinal system.

What would it be like to KNOW FOR CERTAIN which foods are safe?

Imagine eating foods that do NOT cause brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, headaches, etc… Many of these unwanted symptoms are related to the foods we eat on a daily basis. Over time, this can be very harmful.

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Our testing with KBMO diagnostics is the most sensitive food test available due to its patented technology. The multi-pathway testing not only measures food sensitivities, but also systemic inflammation and gut permeability all from one simple finger stick.

Test Type: Fingerstick (in office OR at home)

Test Price: (3 options measuring 22-176 foods)

FIT22 = $175 FIT132 = $360 FIT176 = $460

(recommend 15 - 30minute consult to review results)