Got mold?

Mold is naturally present all around us every day. Various molds make up approximately one quarter of the earth’s biomass. Because mold sensitivities vary between individuals, some people can have minimal exposure to mold and experience excessive adverse symptoms whereas others can withstand moderate exposure with little to no symptoms.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to our mold exposure and sensitivity. Extreme climate changes in the Midwest, construction materials, our heating and air-conditioning systems, and our overall health all play a role in our body’s handling of mold.

Mold needs one thing to grow: water.

Within your home, mold can begin to grow within 24 to 48 hours after exposure to water. If the water source is not addressed, mold will continue to grow, which may cause some health concerns down the road. Much like a physical pain, simply masking the symptom doesn’t always heal the source — for example, simply cleaning a moldy basement wall with safe equipment doesn’t necessarily address the root cause of the problem. It’s crucial to figure out how the mold started to grow in the first place. Once the source of the moisture is found, controlling and mitigating mold in your home becomes possible.

At Lake Pointe, not only can we test individual mold exposure through a convenient urine test, we can also test your home air quality for excessive mold spores in your environment.

To learn more about this topic, call our office and schedule a complimentary consult and see how our services could benefit you or someone you know.


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